Staff Responsibilities
- Be professional, considerate and respectful of others in the school including students, guests and staff.
- Treat students equally and fairly according to their personal situations.
- Help students set up short and long-term goals.
- Assist students with their studies and daily routines.
- Maintain communication between home, school and students.
- Report progress, attendance, concerns and achievements.
- Be responsible for mentoring and advising students.
- Provide assistance with the daily responsibility to maintaining a quiet and safe work environment.
- Foster an honest and positive self-image in each student.
- Provide the development of positive, useful relationships among students and others.
- Maintain a minimal weekly contact with the student as a mentor or tutor.
- Contribute positively to the school with ideas and involvement to the non-academic areas of the school.
- Provide students with a learning environment free from physical, emotional and social abuse.
Student Responsibilities
- Be considerate and respectful of others in the school including other students, staff and guests.
- Follow through on commitments regarding attendance, punctuality, and achievement after setting realistic goals according to your personal situation and ability.
- Demonstrate responsibility by contacting the teacher when you are unable to attend.
- Have respect for the school and other persons’ property.
- Ask for help when needed.
- Respect that everyone has the right to an education and that no one has the right to interfere with other students’ learning situations.
- Respect the staff’s authority to make decision and directions.
- Maintain regular meaningful contact (minimum of once per week) with your teachers.
- Attend regularly enough to make acceptable progress in your courses according to your ability and circumstances.
- Contribute positively to the school with involvement in activities.
- Take pride and responsibility in the care of the building.